Sunday, October 6, 2024

Thematic output in ICT

National Clean-Up Month 
In celebration of the National Clean-Up Month, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) encouraged households and individuals to take time to declutter, implement proper waste management practices, reassess past purchases, and join online efforts towards the preservation and conservation of the environment.
By virtue of Proclamation No. 244, the month of September is declared as the National Clean-Up Month, while Presidential Proclamation No. 470 also designates the 3rd Saturday of September as National Clean-Up Day. Both observances seek to encourage citizens and communities to be responsive in cleaning and protecting the environment.

In this first picture, we can see that I am planting a seedling of mango in our backyard.

In this second picture, I am removing the weeds so that the place will look more cleaner.

Here's the third picture, in this picture I am putting the weeds on the garbage bag so it won't scatter anywhere. 

In this last picture, I am sweeping dry leaves that are scattered in that place.



  1. Wow! this blog of yours truly inspired me!

  2. This inspired me so much and i really liked the content of your post. keep up the good work!


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